It is important to note the following:
- iCal is individual based - meaning that each link will enable you to have only one person's data visible in your iCal Feed. If you wished to include the iCal feed for additional members of your team, an additional link would need to be generated for each of those team members.
- How often it updates is dependant on the refresh time of the calendar.
To subscribe to an iCal Feed, you will first need to generate an API key for your PlanRight organisation:
- Navigate to the Settings page
- Choose the API tab
- Click the Create New API Key button
Data can be scheduled for anyone as long as their email is correctly applied into the API url.
- E.g. if your email address was [email protected] and your API key was 12345, your URL would be:
- Please contact if you require any assistance with this.
In your calendar app of choice, simply copy and paste your URL to subscribe to an iCal Feed of your tasks.